For Immediate Release: June 27, 2023
LPD Investigating Scam Phone Calls
LYNCHBURG, Va. — The Lynchburg Police Department (LPD) is investigating multiple reports of scam phone calls.
Witnesses report the caller will impersonate an LPD Detective to try and obtain money. The LPD does not solicit money and will never call and ask for money. If you receive a phone call of this nature please report it immediately and do not give out any personal information.
Anyone with information about the scam is asked to contact the Lynchburg Police Department at 434-455-6050 or Crime Stoppers at (888) 798-5900. Enter a tip online at or use the P3 app on a mobile device. Up to a 1,000-dollar reward is available through the Crime Stoppers program for information on this crime.
Any additional information will be released as an update to this news release.