Alarm System Info
The Alarm Ordinance
Each alarm system must be registered with the City and renewed annually. The alarm year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Note: Alarm Renewal Notices will be mailed out the week of June 19, 2023.
Annual Permit Fees
- Residential: $30
- Small Business: $45 (no more than 2,000 square feet of space or 5 employees)
- Industry: $55
The application for an alarm user’s permit shall be made on an Alarm Permit Application Form which can be electronically submitted or printed using the link above. Payment of the permit fee for each alarm system should not be submitted with this initial application. An invoice will be sent after receipt of this application with the fee payable to the City Collections Division.
If you choose to manually fill out the form, either mail, fax, or email the completed form to:
Emergency Communications Center
Attn: Alarm Coordinator
3621 Candlers Mountain Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Fax: 434-847-2541
False Alarm Fees
Two “free” (no fine) false alarms are allowed per year.
Schedule of Fines for False Alarms
- 3rd, 4th, 5th Alarm: $50 each
- 6th Alarm (Required Inspection of System): $75
- 7th Alarm: $100
- 8th Alarm: $125
- 9th Alarm: $150
- 10th Alarm: $175
- 11th Alarm: $200
- Additional Alarm: $200 each
Lynchburg City Code Chapter 27 Article IV – Alarm Systems
View the Lynchburg City Code Section for each topic.
- Sec. 27-102. Applicability.
- Sec. 27-103. Definitions.
- Sec. 27-104. Alarm business.
- Sec. 27-105. Alarm user and property owner/occupant responsibility.
- Sec. 27-106. Alarm user’s permits required.
- Sec. 27-107. Prohibition of automatic dialing devices.
- Sec. 27-108. False alarms; penalty assessments and permit revocation.
- Sec. 27-109. General regulations.
- Sec. 27-110. Removal of unlawful equipment.
- Sec. 27-111. Violations and penalties.
- Sec. 27-112. Confidentiality.
- Sec. 27-113. Appeal procedures.
- Sec. 27-114. Civil liability.
- Sec. 27-115. Severability.
Alarm Sales
- Anyone selling alarm systems in the City of Lynchburg must have a business license and a Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) license. If a salesperson comes to your door, selling alarm systems, make sure they present a current DCJS license before conducting business with them. DCJS is online. Use this website to make sure an alarm company is registered and has a valid business license.
- Take time to weigh the merits of any alarm system. Don’t be tempted by offers that are “good for one day only.”
- Get several estimates and compare pricing. It’s good practice to get three quotes anytime you are purchasing a service that protects your family and property.
- Read your alarm contract carefully before you sign it. If you do not understand a part of the contract, seek clarification before committing to the contract.
- Some alarm systems, where the system is free, have a three to five-year minimum contract requiring monthly payments. These contracts do not allow people to ‘break’ the contract for several years.
- If you purchase an alarm system from a door-to-door salesperson, remember the Virginia Home Solicitation Sales Act gives you the right to cancel your purchase within three days from the date of purchase.
- The alarm salesperson should have advised you of the local alarm system ordinance. The City of Lynchburg has an ordinance that requires anyone with an alarm system to purchase an alarm permit annually.
For more alarm information contact us at 434-455-4290.